Take advantage of the versatility of acrylic sheet
Acrylic sheet (PMMA) is the natural choice for applications such as architectural and protective glazing applications as replacements for glass in aircrafts, boats, mass transit, as well as table protection, partitions, shields, light or signage. It can also be used for light diffusers, skylights, product prototypes, demonstration models or any other use where strength, clarity, and ease of fabrication are important.
Acrylic sheet (PMMA) can be cut, thermo-formed (bent), holes and shapes may be drilled or machined, edges can be routed to a smooth finish or flame polished to an extremely clear edge.

- Automotive Trim
- Displays
- Lenses
- Light Fixtures
- Machine Guards
- Medical Face Shields
- Signage
- Temporary Partitions
Features/ Properties
- Clarity
- Dimensional Stability
- Surface Hardness
- Weatherability